Body Revamp Spa


Sclerotherapy (Spider Veins)

What are Spider Veins? 

Spider veins are also called telangiectasias, which are small, dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. They are blue, red, or purple in color and looked like small clusters of web-like veins. They most often appear on the face, legs, and feet. Spider veins are caused by an issue with the valves found in the veins that are supposed to prevent blood from flowing backward through the vein. When these valves fail or are damaged, blood pools in the veins and lead to the development of spider veins. 

Treatment Option for Spider Veins 

Sclerotherapy: (injection of a special fluid into the veins) is used almost exclusively for the treatment of small leg veins, i.e., 5 mm in diameter or smaller, also known as spider veins. Although both treatments for spider veins will lighten the veins, they will not be obliterated with just one treatment. The number of treatments varies among patients, but the average number is three. These treatments are scheduled approximately four weeks apart. 

Larger veins: if not working correctly, need to be treated first by a general or vascular surgeon. These larger dilated blood vessels are more commonly referred to as varicose veins and require a different form of specialized treatment. 

What to Expect During Your Sclerotherapy Treatment : During your sclerotherapy treatment, a special solution is injected through a thin needle into the vein(s) to damage the lining inside the vein, causing the vein walls to swell, stick together, and seal shut. No anesthesia is required for this treatment, and after healing has occurred the vein will no longer be obvious. 
The special solution that is injected directly into the affected veins is usually salt water. You may experience some brief discomfort during the procedure, which can last about as long as 30 minutes. The number of veins that can be treated during a single sclerotherapy session depends upon their size and location, in addition to the overall health of the individual undergoing treatment. While the effects are permanent on existing problem areas, patients should expect to return for injections when new spider veins appear. 

Sclerotherapy Recovery and Results 

Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure that is performed in the familiar and comfortable environment of our professional office. Patients are sent home the very same day, and recovery time is minimal. Those who decide to undergo sclerotherapy treatment should expect to abstain from intense physical activity for a few days after the procedure, before returning to their normal routine. 

The Cost of Sclerotherapy The cost of your sclerotherapy will vary based on several factors. During your initial consultation, we can let you know what the expected cost of your sclerotherapy will be. 

Sclerotherapy FAQs 

Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical injectable form of treatment for varicose and spider veins. This treatment addresses lymph and blood-vessel disorders that cause deformities in the veins.
In this method, an irritant called a sclerosant into the targeted vein. Sclerosants are usually saltwater solutions. The irritant causes the collapse of the walls of the vein, ultimately causing it to fade away. This results in clearer skin that is free of prominent veins. 
Not everyone with spider veins needs sclerotherapy. In some cases, doctors will recommend that you undergo a lifestyle change or have non-prescription treatments to treat your condition. However, this is only applicable in times when your condition is not serious and can be amended easily. 

Be sure to contact your doctor regarding sclerotherapy if you face the following symptoms: 
Your legs ache constantly. 
Your legs feel sore and heavy. 
You cannot walk for long durations. 
The skin on your legs is dry and patchy. 
You have rashes near your veins. 
Studies show that sclerotherapy treatments have a 60% to 80% chance of eliminating damaged veins. Sclerotherapy is not a permanent solution for spider veins, and there is always a possibility of new veins appearing. 
Schedule a consultation for your sclerotherapy with us today and we can let you know if you are a good candidate for the treatment and can provide you with excellent result.

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