Body Revamp Spa



Book Your Spa Visit

Appointments: We strongly recommend scheduling your Spa appointment in advance. This will allow a greater opportunity to accommodate your request. Early coordination will allow our appointment specialist to reserve your requested time or if the requested time is not available, provide alternative opportunities to enjoy your Spa day.

Cancellation Policy

We reserve the right to request that you secure your appointment time with a credit card. If a scheduled appointment is not cancelled within 24 hours we reserve the right to charge the credit card for the full service. An early notification is a courtesy to our service providers who have scheduled their time with you. All of our spa service providers are paid on a commission basis. A last minute cancellation appointment is a lost opportunity for them to accommodate other guests.

Check In

We ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to allow ample time to complete a brief in-take form that will assist your Service provider in becoming familiar with your areas of concern and to tailor your treatment to your individual needs. Late arriving guests may experience a shortened service time depending on the Service providers next appointment. Your cooperation and understanding in this regard will ensure that we can provide you a full, relaxing service.

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